We celebrate 50 Years of CEHINAV

ETSIN Towing Tank began its journey 50 years ago. Since the beginning numerous engineers from naval and other related disciplines have gone through the facilities...


CEHINAV in UPM Innovatech

SeaMoor Technology, developed within the CEHINAV Group and the HRL Laboratory,, have resulted finalist in UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge 2017     SeaMoor is a dynamic scale model control system that allows reproducing deformations...

OMAE 2018 in Madrid

The CEHINAV with the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University Rovira i Virgili organized the congress OMAE (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Artic Engineering) in Madrid...

Collaboration grant

We have obtained a Scholarship Partnership to promote the development of a PIV Laser System (Particle Image Velocimetry) CEHINAV in facilities for measuring flow velocity fields in fluids, in particular, studies for applications...

Scientific Research and Technical Excellence

"Optimization of liquid gas transport for LNG vessels by fluid structure interaction studies" project submitted to the Spanish R+D National Plan 2013, call, the State Program for Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research Excellence has resulted...

Model Basin

The Model Basin was inaugurated in 1967 with dimensions of 56 meters in length, 3,8 m. wide and 2,2 m. of depth, then its length was increased to 100 m. It was designed by Luis de Mazarredo to that...

Wave generator

At the Model Basin there is an unidirectional generator both regular and irregular waves. It's possible generate regular waves up 0,3 meters and irregular waves up 0,15 meters and periods up 7 seconds. With these waves is possible behavioral studies in...

Towing carriage

In order to pull the model there is a carriage made of a steel structure , that rolls on two lines of tracks anchored in the lateral parapets of the “model basin”. The alignment and leveling of these lanes has been made with...