AQUAgpusph 4.1.2
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Basic preset

Basic preset of tools to build more complex sets of tools later. More...


 Compute the tangent vector in 2D sims, and the binormal in 3D sims.
 delta-SPH methods, including the correction terms
 Particles out of domain filter.
 Particles out of domain filter.
 Equation Of State (EOS) computation.
 Permutations to move from the sorted indexes space to the unsorted one.
 MLS kernel transformation matrix computation.
 Splitting particles methods.
 Splitting particles methods.
 Set the mass of the particles according to the iterations since they were split/coalesced.
 Set the mass of the particles according to the iterations since they were split/coalesced.
 Sort the multiresolution involved particle properties.
 Splitting particles methods.
 Splitting particles methods.
 Compute the number of neighbours of each particle.
 Buffer particles identify and usage.
 Shepard renormalization factor computation.
 Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.
 Improved Euler time integration scheme.
 1st order Euler time integration scheme
 Implicit Midpoint Euler time integration scheme.
 Improved Euler time integration scheme.
 delta-SPH methods, including the correction terms
 Shepard renormalization factor computation, when variable kernel length is considered.
 Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.
 Shepard renormalization factor computation.
 Shepard renormalization factor computation.
 Shepard renormalization factor computation.
 Improved Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE(index)   imove[index] <= 0
 Condition to exclude a particle from the delta-SPH model.
#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE(index)   (imove[index] <= 0) && (imove[index] != -1)
 Condition to exclude a particle from the EOS computation.
#define M_ITERS   10
#define CAPTURING_RADIUS   0.75f
#define M_ITERS   10
#define M_ITERS   10
 Number of iterations to complete the mass transfer.
#define N_DAUGHTER   8
#define M_ITERS   10
#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE(index)   imove[index] >= 3
 Excluded particles from the Shepard renormalization factor computation.
#define DYDT_1(dydt_0)   dydt_0
#define DYDT_2(dydt_0, dydt_1)   1.5f * dydt_0 - 0.5f * dydt_1
#define DYDT_3(dydt_0, dydt_1, dydt_2)    23.f / 12.f * dydt_0 - 4.f / 3.f * dydt_1 + 5.f / 12.f * dydt_2
#define DYDT_4(dydt_0, dydt_1, dydt_2, dydt_3)
#define DYDT_5(dydt_0, dydt_1, dydt_2, dydt_3, dydt_4)
#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE(index)   imove[index] <= 0
 Condition to exclude a particle from the delta-SPH model.
#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE(index)   imove[index] >= 3
 Excluded particles from the Shepard renormalization factor computation.


__kernel void entry (const __global vec *normal, __global vec *tangent, __global vec *binormal, unsigned int N)
 Compute the tanget vector in 2D simulations, and the binormal vector in 3D simulations.
__kernel void simple (const __global unsigned int *iset, const __global int *imove, __global vec *lap_p_corr, __constant float *refd, unsigned int N, vec g)
 Simple hidrostatic based correction term.
__kernel void full (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global float *p, __global vec *lap_p_corr, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 MLS based correction term.
__kernel void full_mls (const __global int *imove, const __global matrix *mls, __global vec *lap_p_corr, uint N)
 MLS based correction term.
__kernel void lapp (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global float *p, __global float *lap_p, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Laplacian of the pressure computation.
__kernel void lapp_corr (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global vec *lap_p_corr, __global float *lap_p, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Laplacian of the pressure correction.
__kernel void deltaSPH (const __global unsigned int *iset, const __global int *imove, const __global float *rho, const __global float *lap_p, __global float *drhodt, __constant float *refd, __constant float *delta, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Density variation rates delta-SPH term.
__kernel void entry (__global float *rho_in, uint N, float rho_min, float rho_max)
 Clamp the density.
__kernel void entry (__global int *imove, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *m, uint N, vec domain_min, vec domain_max)
 Check and destroy the particles out of the domain.
__kernel void entry (__global unsigned int *iset, __global int *imove, __global float *rho, __global float *p, __constant float *refd, unsigned int N, float cs, float p0)
 Stiffness Equation Of State (EOS) computation.
__kernel void entry (__global uint *id, __global uint *id_inverse, unsigned int N)
 Compute the permutations to move from the sorted indexes space to the unsorted one.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, __global matrix *mls, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells, uint mls_imove)
 Compute the MLS transformation matrix inverse, \( L_i^{-1} \).
__kernel void mls_inv (const __global int *imove, __global matrix *mls, uint N, uint mls_imove)
 Invert the matrix computed in entry() to get the final MLS transformation matrix, \( L_i \).
__kernel void seed_candidates (__global const unsigned int *iset, __global const int *imove, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const unsigned int *level, __global const float *m0, __global int *miter, __global const vec *r, __global unsigned int *isplit, __global ivec *split_cell, __global float *split_dist, __constant float *dr_level0, unsigned int N)
 Look for all the seed candidates, i.e. all the particles which have a refinement level target lower than their current value.
__kernel void seeds (__global const unsigned int *iset, __global const unsigned int *isplit_in, __global unsigned int *isplit, __global int *miter, __global const ivec *split_cell, __global const float *split_dist, __global const uint *icell, __global const uint *ihoc, unsigned int N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Get only one seed per cell.
__kernel void set_isplit_in (__global const unsigned int *isplit, __global unsigned int *isplit_in, unsigned int N)
 Create a copy of isplit, where everything is 0 except the seeds, which take the value 1. Such array can be used to count the number of new particles to become generated.
__kernel void children (__global const int *imove, __global const unsigned int *iset, __global const vec *r, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global unsigned int *isplit, __global int *miter, __global const uint *icell, __global const uint *ihoc, __constant float *dr_level0, unsigned int N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Look for all children, close enough to the seed.
__kernel void weights (__global const unsigned int *iset, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const vec *r, __global const unsigned int *isplit, __global float *split_weight, __global const uint *icell, __global const uint *ihoc, __constant float *dr_level0, unsigned int N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Compute the contribution weight of each children particle.
__kernel void generate (__global int *imove, __global int *iset, __global const unsigned int *isplit, __global unsigned int *split_invperm, __global unsigned int *ilevel, __global unsigned int *level, __global int *miter, __global uint *mybuffer, unsigned int N, unsigned int nbuffer)
 Associate a buffer particle to a seed.
__kernel void fields (__global const unsigned int *iset, __global const uint *isplit, __global const uint *mybuffer, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const float *split_weight, __global float *m0, __global float *m, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, __global const uint *icell, __global const uint *ihoc, __constant float *dr_level0, unsigned int N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Collect the children, and the seed itself, in order to compute the field values of the buffer partner particle.
__kernel void entry (__global const int *imove, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const vec *r, __global unsigned int *level, unsigned int N, vec multiresolution_cube_min, vec multiresolution_cube_max, unsigned int multiresolution_cube_level)
 Set the refinement level of the particles inside.
__kernel void entry (__global int *imove, __global const int *miter, __global vec *r, vec domain_max, unsigned int N)
 Set the mass of the particles according to their gamma value.
__kernel void set_mass (__global const int *imove, __global const float *m0, __global int *miter, __global float *m, unsigned int N)
 Set the mass of the particles according to their gamma value.
__kernel void entry (const __global float *m0_in, __global float *m0, const __global int *miter_in, __global int *miter, const __global uint *ilevel_in, __global uint *ilevel, const __global uint *level_in, __global uint *level, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Sort the multiresolution involved particle properties.
__kernel void entry (__global const int *imove, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const vec *r, __global unsigned int *level, unsigned int N, vec multiresolution_sphere_center, float multiresolution_sphere_radius, unsigned int multiresolution_sphere_level)
 Set the refinement level of the particles inside.
__kernel void check_split (__global const int *imove, __global const float *m, __global const int *miter, __global const unsigned int *ilevel, __global const unsigned int *level, __global unsigned int *isplit, unsigned int N)
 Check and store wether a particle should become split or not.
__kernel void generate (__global int *imove, __global int *iset, __global unsigned int *isplit, __global unsigned int *split_invperm, __global unsigned int *ilevel, __global unsigned int *level, __global float *m0, __global int *miter, __global float *m, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, unsigned int N, unsigned int nbuffer)
 Split a particle in a set of daughter particles.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, __global uint *n_neighs, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint neighs_limit, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Number of neighbours of each particle.
__kernel void count (__global const int *imove, __global unsigned int *ibuffer, uint N)
 Identify the buffer particles.
__kernel void set_imove (__global int *imove, uint N)
 Replace the particles with the imove flag imove=-256 by imove=-255.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, __global float *shepard, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Shepard factor computation.
__kernel void stage1 (const __global uint *id_in, __global uint *id, const __global uint *iset_in, __global uint *iset, const __global int *imove_in, __global int *imove, const __global vec *r_in, __global vec *r, const __global vec *normal_in, __global vec *normal, const __global vec *tangent_in, __global vec *tangent, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.
__kernel void stage2 (const __global float *rho_in, __global float *rho, const __global float *m_in, __global float *m, const __global vec *u_in, __global vec *u, const __global vec *dudt, __global vec *dudt_in, const __global float *drhodt, __global float *drhodt_in, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.
__kernel void predictor (__global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, __global vec *r_in, __global vec *u_in, __global vec *dudt_in, __global float *rho_in, __global float *drhodt_in, unsigned int N)
 Adams-Bashforth time integration scheme predictor stage.
__kernel void sort (const __global vec *dudt_as1_in, __global vec *dudt_as1, const __global vec *dudt_as2_in, __global vec *dudt_as2, const __global vec *dudt_as3_in, __global vec *dudt_as3, const __global vec *dudt_as4_in, __global vec *dudt_as4, const __global float *drhodt_as1_in, __global float *drhodt_as1, const __global float *drhodt_as2_in, __global float *drhodt_as2, const __global float *drhodt_as3_in, __global float *drhodt_as3, const __global float *drhodt_as4_in, __global float *drhodt_as4, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Sort the stored Adams-Bashforth stored variation rates.
__kernel void corrector (__global int *imove, __global unsigned int *iset, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, __global vec *dudt_as1, __global float *drhodt_as1, __global vec *dudt_as2, __global float *drhodt_as2, __global vec *dudt_as3, __global float *drhodt_as3, __global vec *dudt_as4, __global float *drhodt_as4, unsigned int N, float dt, unsigned int iter)
 Improved Euler time integration scheme corrector stage.
__kernel void postcorrector (const __global vec *dudt_as1, const __global float *drhodt_as1, const __global vec *dudt_as2, const __global float *drhodt_as2, const __global vec *dudt_as3, const __global float *drhodt_as3, const __global vec *dudt, const __global float *drhodt, __global vec *dudt_as1_in, __global float *drhodt_as1_in, __global vec *dudt_as2_in, __global float *drhodt_as2_in, __global vec *dudt_as3_in, __global float *drhodt_as3_in, __global vec *dudt_as4_in, __global float *drhodt_as4_in, unsigned int N)
 Backup de data for the sorting algorithm.
__kernel void corrector (__global int *imove, __global unsigned int *iset, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, unsigned int N, float dt)
 1st orderv Euler time integration scheme corrector stage
__kernel void predictor (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global vec *u_0, const __global vec *dudt, const __global float *rho_0, const __global float *drhodt, __global vec *r_in, __global vec *u_in, __global vec *dudt_in, __global float *rho_in, __global float *drhodt_in, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Implicit Midpoint Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.
__kernel void sort (const __global float *rho_0_in, __global float *rho_0, const __global vec *u_0_in, __global vec *u_0, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Implicit Midpoint Euler time integration scheme variables sorting.
__kernel void corrector (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *dudt_in, const __global float *drhodt_in, __global vec *dudt, __global float *drhodt, unsigned int N, float subiter_relax)
 Relax the variation rates modification at the fixed point iterative solution.
__kernel void integrate (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r_in, const __global vec *u_0, const __global vec *dudt, const __global float *rho_0, const __global float *drhodt, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global float *rho, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Integrate the system to the next time step, when the implicit subiterator already finished his job.
__kernel void predictor (__global int *imove, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, __global vec *r_in, __global vec *u_in, __global vec *dudt_in, __global float *rho_in, __global float *drhodt_in, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Improved Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.
__kernel void corrector (__global int *imove, __global unsigned int *iset, __global vec *r, __global vec *u, __global vec *dudt, __global float *rho, __global float *drhodt, __global vec *dudt_in, __global float *drhodt_in, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Improved Euler time integration scheme corrector stage.
__kernel void lapp (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global float *p, const __global float *h_var, __global float *lap_p, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Laplacian of the pressure computation.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global float *h_var, __global float *shepard, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Shepard factor computation.
__kernel void entry (const __global float *h_var_in, __global float *h_var, const __global unit *id_sorted, unsigned int N)
 Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global int *imirrored, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, __global matrix *mls, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells, uint mls_imove)
 Compute the MLS transformation matrix inverse, \( L_i^{-1} \), due to the particles at the other portal side.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global int *imirrored, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, __global float *shepard, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Shepard factor computation, due to the particles at the other portal side.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global int *imirrored, const __global vec *r, const __global float *rho, const __global float *m, const __global float *h_var, __global float *shepard, const __global uint *icell, const __global uint *ihoc, uint N, uivec4 n_cells)
 Shepard factor computation, due to the particles at the other portal side.
__kernel void entry (const __global int *imove, const __global matrix *S, const __global matrix *dSdt, __global matrix *S_in, __global matrix *dSdt_in, unsigned int N, float dt)
 Improved Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.

Detailed Description

Basic preset of tools to build more complex sets of tools later.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CAPTURING_RADIUS   0.75f



◆ DYDT_1

#define DYDT_1 (   dydt_0)    dydt_0

◆ DYDT_2

#define DYDT_2 (   dydt_0,
)    1.5f * dydt_0 - 0.5f * dydt_1

◆ DYDT_3

#define DYDT_3 (   dydt_0,
)     23.f / 12.f * dydt_0 - 4.f / 3.f * dydt_1 + 5.f / 12.f * dydt_2

◆ DYDT_4

#define DYDT_4 (   dydt_0,
55.f / 24.f * dydt_0 - 59.f / 24.f * dydt_1 + 37.f / 24.f * dydt_2 - \
3.f / 8.f * dydt_3

◆ DYDT_5

#define DYDT_5 (   dydt_0,
1901.f / 720.f * dydt_0 - 1387.f / 360.f * dydt_1 + 109.f / 30.f * dydt_2 - \
637.f / 360.f * dydt_3 + 251.f / 720.f * dydt_4


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE (   index)    imove[index] <= 0

Condition to exclude a particle from the delta-SPH model.

By default all the boundary elements are excluded. Even though it is enough for simulation where fluid and solid mechanics are not combined, it is strongly recommended to conveniently overload this macro.

Redefining this macro this OpenCL script can be recicled


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE (   index)    (imove[index] <= 0) && (imove[index] != -1)

Condition to exclude a particle from the EOS computation.

By default all the boundary elements are excluded, excepting the fixed particles (imove = -1)

Redefining this macro this OpenCL script can be recicled for different particle types.


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE (   index)    imove[index] >= 3

Excluded particles from the Shepard renormalization factor computation.

By default all the particles are included. Therefore it is strongly recommended to redefine this macro to specify whether the fluid particles (imove != 1) or the solid particles (imove != 2) are used

Redefining this macro this OpenCL script can be recicled
The Shepard renormalization factor is ever computed at the boundary elements and sensors (imove <= 0)


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE (   index)    imove[index] <= 0

Condition to exclude a particle from the delta-SPH model.

By default all the boundary elements are excluded. Even though it is enough for simulation where fluid and solid mechanics are not combined, it is strongly recommended to conveniently overload this macro.

Redefining this macro this OpenCL script can be recicled


#define EXCLUDED_PARTICLE (   index)    imove[index] >= 3

Excluded particles from the Shepard renormalization factor computation.

By default all the particles are included. Therefore it is strongly recommended to redefine this macro to specify whether the fluid particles (imove != 1) or the solid particles (imove != 2) are used

Redefining this macro this OpenCL script can be recicled
The Shepard renormalization factor is ever computed at the boundary elements and sensors (imove <= 0)

◆ M_ITERS [1/4]

#define M_ITERS   10

◆ M_ITERS [2/4]

#define M_ITERS   10

◆ M_ITERS [3/4]

#define M_ITERS   10

Number of iterations to complete the mass transfer.

When a particle is split or coalesced, its mass is not inmediately removed, but a smooth transition is carried out

◆ M_ITERS [4/4]

#define M_ITERS   10


#define N_DAUGHTER   8



Function Documentation

◆ check_split()

__kernel void check_split ( __global const int *  imove,
__global const float *  m,
__global const int *  miter,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const unsigned int *  level,
__global unsigned int *  isplit,
unsigned int  N 

Check and store wether a particle should become split or not.

A particle should be split if the target refinement level is bigger than its current one, and it is not already spliting/coalescing.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
mCurrent mass \( m \).
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
isplit0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise
NNumber of particles.

◆ children()

__kernel void children ( __global const int *  imove,
__global const unsigned int *  iset,
__global const vec r,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global unsigned int *  isplit,
__global int *  miter,
__global const uint *  icell,
__global const uint *  ihoc,
__constant float *  dr_level0,
unsigned int  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Look for all children, close enough to the seed.

When a particle is not already splitting or coalescing, and is close enough to one or more seeds (which should has the same refinement level and belongs to the same particles set), then it is marked as coalescing child.

Hence, since a particle may be close enough to several partner particles, later we should compute contribution weights.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetSet of particles index.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
dr_level0Theoretical distance between particles at the lowest refinement level.
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction

◆ corrector() [1/4]

__kernel void corrector ( __global int *  imove,
__global unsigned int *  iset,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
__global vec dudt_as1,
__global float *  drhodt_as1,
__global vec dudt_as2,
__global float *  drhodt_as2,
__global vec dudt_as3,
__global float *  drhodt_as3,
__global vec dudt_as4,
__global float *  drhodt_as4,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt,
unsigned int  iter 

Improved Euler time integration scheme corrector stage.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetSet of particles index.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1/2} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_as1Velocity rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as1Density rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).
iterCurrent iteration.

◆ corrector() [2/4]

__kernel void corrector ( __global int *  imove,
__global unsigned int *  iset,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
__global vec dudt_in,
__global float *  drhodt_in,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Improved Euler time integration scheme corrector stage.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetSet of particles index.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1/2} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_inVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_inDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ corrector() [3/4]

__kernel void corrector ( __global int *  imove,
__global unsigned int *  iset,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

1st orderv Euler time integration scheme corrector stage

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetSet of particles index.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1/2} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ corrector() [4/4]

__kernel void corrector ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec dudt_in,
const __global float *  drhodt_in,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  drhodt,
unsigned int  N,
float  subiter_relax 

Relax the variation rates modification at the fixed point iterative solution.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
dudt_inVelocity rate of change from the previous subiteration \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
drhodt_inDensity rate of change from the previous subiteration \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
dudtNew velocity rate of change, to be relaxed \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
drhodtNew density rate of change, to be relaxed \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.

◆ count()

__kernel void count ( __global const int *  imove,
__global unsigned int *  ibuffer,
uint  N 

Identify the buffer particles.

The buffer particles are signaled with an imove=-255 flag.

imoveMoving flags (imove = -255 for buffer particles).
ibuffer0 if the particle is not a buffer particle, 1 otherwise.
NNumber of particles.

◆ deltaSPH()

__kernel void deltaSPH ( const __global unsigned int *  iset,
const __global int *  imove,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  lap_p,
__global float *  drhodt,
__constant float *  refd,
__constant float *  delta,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Density variation rates delta-SPH term.

isetSet of particles index.
imoveMoving flags.
  • imove = 2 for regular solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors (ignored by this preset).
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1} \).
lap_pPressure laplacian \( \Delta p \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \frac{d \rho}{d t} \).
refdDensity of reference of the fluid \( \rho_0 \).
deltaDiffusive term \( \delta \) multiplier.
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ entry() [1/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global const int *  imove,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const vec r,
__global unsigned int *  level,
unsigned int  N,
vec  multiresolution_cube_min,
vec  multiresolution_cube_max,
unsigned int  multiresolution_cube_level 

Set the refinement level of the particles inside.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
NNumber of particles.
multiresolution_cube_minMinimum point of the refinement area.
multiresolution_cube_maxMaximum point of the refinement area.
multiresolution_cube_levelRefinement level inside the area.

◆ entry() [2/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global const int *  imove,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const vec r,
__global unsigned int *  level,
unsigned int  N,
vec  multiresolution_sphere_center,
float  multiresolution_sphere_radius,
unsigned int  multiresolution_sphere_level 

Set the refinement level of the particles inside.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
NNumber of particles.
multiresolution_sphere_centerCenter of the refinement area.
multiresolution_sphere_radiusRadius of the refinement area.
multiresolution_sphere_levelRefinement level inside the area.

◆ entry() [3/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global float *  rho_in,
uint  N,
float  rho_min,
float  rho_max 

Clamp the density.

In some situations it can be convenient to define a minimum or maximum density values in order to avoid that a crazy particle may cause the simulation blow up. Use this tool only if you know exactly what you are doing

rho_inDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
rho_minMinimum tolerated density value \( \rho_{min} \).
rho_maxMaximum tolerated density value \( \rho_{max} \).

◆ entry() [4/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global int *  imove,
__global const int *  miter,
__global vec r,
vec  domain_max,
unsigned int  N 

Set the mass of the particles according to their gamma value.

When a particle is split in a set of daughter particles, in order to avoid shocks, its effect is smoothly transfered to the daughters, using for that a \( \gamma_m \) mass multiplier.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
domain_maxMaximum point of the computational domain.
NNumber of particles.

◆ entry() [5/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global int *  imove,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  m,
uint  N,
vec  domain_min,
vec  domain_max 

Check and destroy the particles out of the domain.

Usually is a good methodology to impose a computational domain, such that a single lost particle will not cause the simulation blow up. Since the particles out of the domain will take 0 mass, you can control how many particles are lost controlling the total mass

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \).
mMass \( m \).
NNumber of particles.
domain_minMinimum point of the domain.
domain_maxMaximum point of the domain.

◆ entry() [6/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global uint *  id,
__global uint *  id_inverse,
unsigned int  N 

Compute the permutations to move from the sorted indexes space to the unsorted one.

idOriginal index of each particle (sort -> unsort space)
id_inverseSorted index of each particle (unsort -> sort space)
NNumber of particles.

◆ entry() [7/18]

__kernel void entry ( __global unsigned int *  iset,
__global int *  imove,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  p,
__constant float *  refd,
unsigned int  N,
float  cs,
float  p0 

Stiffness Equation Of State (EOS) computation.

The equation of state relates the pressure and the density fields, \( p = p_0 + c_s^2 \left(\rho - \rho_0 \right) \)

isetSet of particles index.
imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
pPressure \( p_{n+1/2} \).
refdDensity of reference of the fluid \( \rho_0 \).
NNumber of particles.
csSpeed of sound \( c_s \).
p0Background pressure \( p_0 \).

◆ entry() [8/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global float *  h_var_in,
__global float *  h_var,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.

Due to the large number of registers consumed (21 global memory arrays are loaded), it is safer carrying out the sorting process in to stages. This is the first stage.

h_var_inUnsorted variable kernel lenght \( h \).
h_varSorted variable kernel lenght \( h \).
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ entry() [9/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global float *  m0_in,
__global float *  m0,
const __global int *  miter_in,
__global int *  miter,
const __global uint *  ilevel_in,
__global uint *  ilevel,
const __global uint *  level_in,
__global uint *  level,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Sort the multiresolution involved particle properties.

m0_inUnsorted original mass \( m_0 \).
m0Sorted original mass \( m_0 \).
miter_inUnsorted iteration of the mass transfer.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for shrinking particles, negative for growing particles).
ilevel_inUnsorted particle refinement level.
ilevelSorted particle refinement level.
level_inUnsorted target refinement level.
levelSorted target refinement level.
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ entry() [10/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
__global uint *  n_neighs,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  neighs_limit,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Number of neighbours of each particle.

One of the main targets of this kernel is checking that the number of neighbours is not excessively large. Along this line, if #neighs_limit neighbours are reached, the kernel will stop the execution.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
n_neighsNumber of neighbours per particle.
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
neighs_limitThe largest number of neighbours accepted.
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction

◆ entry() [11/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global int *  imirrored,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
__global float *  shepard,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Shepard factor computation, due to the particles at the other portal side.

\[ \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \]

The shepard renormalization factor is applied for several purposes:

  • To interpolate values
  • To recover the consistency with the Boundary Integrals formulation
  • Debugging

In the shepard factor computation the fluid extension particles are not taken into account.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
imirrored0 if the particle has not been mirrored, 1 otherwise.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
shepardShepard term \( \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [12/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global int *  imirrored,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
__global matrix mls,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells,
uint  mls_imove 

Compute the MLS transformation matrix inverse, \( L_i^{-1} \), due to the particles at the other portal side.

Such transformation matrix can be multiplied by the kernel gradient to produce a new kernel gradient, \( \nabla W^{L}_{ij} = L_i \cdot \nabla W_{ij} \), such that the lienar fields differential operators are consistently computed.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
imirrored0 if the particle has not been mirrored, 1 otherwise.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
mlsKernel MLS transformation matrix \( L \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
mls_imoveType of particles affected
The MLS kernel transformation will be computed just for the particles with the moving flag mls_imove, and using just the information of the particles with the moving flag mls_imove
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [13/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global int *  imirrored,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global float *  h_var,
__global float *  shepard,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Shepard factor computation, due to the particles at the other portal side.

\[ \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \]

The shepard renormalization factor is applied for several purposes:

  • To interpolate values
  • To recover the consistency with the Boundary Integrals formulation
  • Debugging

In the shepard factor computation the fluid extension particles are not taken into account.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
imirrored0 if the particle has not been mirrored, 1 otherwise.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
h_varvariable kernel lenght \( h \).
shepardShepard term \( \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [14/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global matrix S,
const __global matrix dSdt,
__global matrix S_in,
__global matrix dSdt_in,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Improved Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.

Time integration is based in the following quasi-second order Predictor-Corrector integration scheme:

\( S_{n+1} = S_{n} + \Delta t \left. \frac{\mathrm{d}S}{\mathrm{d}t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} + \frac{\Delta t}{2} \left( \left. \frac{\mathrm{d}S}{\mathrm{d}t} \right\vert_{n + 1/2} - \left. \frac{\mathrm{d}S}{\mathrm{d}t} \right\vert_{n - 1/2} \right) \)

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove = 2 for regular solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
SDeviatory stress \( S_{n+1} \).
dSdtDeviatory stress rate of change \( \left. \frac{d S}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1} \).
S_inDeviatory stress \( S_{n+1/2} \).
dSdt_inDeviatory stress rate of change \( \left. \frac{d S}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).
See also

◆ entry() [15/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
__global float *  shepard,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Shepard factor computation.

\[ \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{y} \]

The shepard renormalization factor is applied for several purposes:

  • To interpolate values
  • To recover the consistency with the Boundary Integrals formulation
  • Debugging

In the shepard factor computation the fluid extension particles are not taken into account.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
shepardShepard term \( \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{y} \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [16/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
__global matrix mls,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells,
uint  mls_imove 

Compute the MLS transformation matrix inverse, \( L_i^{-1} \).

Such transformation matrix can be multiplied by the kernel gradient to produce a new kernel gradient, \( \nabla W^{L}_{ij} = L_i \cdot \nabla W_{ij} \), such that the lienar fields differential operators are consistently computed.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
mlsKernel MLS transformation matrix \( L \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
mls_imoveType of particles affected
The MLS kernel transformation will be computed just for the particles with the moving flag mls_imove, and using just the information of the particles with the moving flag mls_imove
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [17/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global float *  h_var,
__global float *  shepard,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Shepard factor computation.

\[ \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \]

The shepard renormalization factor is applied for several purposes:

  • To interpolate values
  • To recover the consistency with the Boundary Integrals formulation
  • Debugging

In the shepard factor computation the fluid extension particles are not taken into account.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
h_varvariable kernel lenght \( h \).
shepardShepard term \( \gamma(\mathbf{x}) = \int_{\Omega} W(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ entry() [18/18]

__kernel void entry ( const __global vec normal,
__global vec tangent,
__global vec binormal,
unsigned int  N 

Compute the tanget vector in 2D simulations, and the binormal vector in 3D simulations.

normalNormal vector \( \mathbf{n} \).
tangentTangent vector \( \mathbf{t} \).
binormalBinormal vector \( \mathbf{t} \).
NNumber of particles.

◆ fields()

__kernel void fields ( __global const unsigned int *  iset,
__global const uint *  isplit,
__global const uint *  mybuffer,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const float *  split_weight,
__global float *  m0,
__global float *  m,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
__global const uint *  icell,
__global const uint *  ihoc,
__constant float *  dr_level0,
unsigned int  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Collect the children, and the seed itself, in order to compute the field values of the buffer partner particle.

Since each children may contribute to several partners, we are weighting their field values.

isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds.
split_weightCoalescing contribution weight.
m0Target mass, \( m_0 \).
mCurrent mass, \( m \).
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \frac{d \rho}{d t} \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction

◆ full()

__kernel void full ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global float *  p,
__global vec lap_p_corr,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

MLS based correction term.

The term computed with this function should be later renormalized by MLS, using full_mls() function. Before calling such function the user must be sure that both lap_p_corr and mls have been computed (taking into account, for instance, the BCs)

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
pPressure \( p \).
lap_p_corrCorrection term for the Morris Laplacian formula.
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ full_mls()

__kernel void full_mls ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global matrix mls,
__global vec lap_p_corr,
uint  N 

MLS based correction term.

Here the MLS renormalization is applied to the correction term

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
mlsKernel MLS transformation matrix \( L \).
lap_p_corrCorrection term for the Morris Laplacian formula.
NNumber of particles.

◆ generate() [1/2]

__kernel void generate ( __global int *  imove,
__global int *  iset,
__global const unsigned int *  isplit,
__global unsigned int *  split_invperm,
__global unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global unsigned int *  level,
__global int *  miter,
__global uint *  mybuffer,
unsigned int  N,
unsigned int  nbuffer 

Associate a buffer particle to a seed.

Later we are looking for the rest of children, used to compute the variable values of this buffer/partner particle

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetIndex of the set of particles.
isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds.
split_invpermPermutation to find the index of the particle in the list of particles to become split.
mybufferIndex of the partner buffer particle.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
mybufferPartner particle associated to the seed
NNumber of particles.
nbufferNumber of available buffer particles.

◆ generate() [2/2]

__kernel void generate ( __global int *  imove,
__global int *  iset,
__global unsigned int *  isplit,
__global unsigned int *  split_invperm,
__global unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global unsigned int *  level,
__global float *  m0,
__global int *  miter,
__global float *  m,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
unsigned int  N,
unsigned int  nbuffer 

Split a particle in a set of daughter particles.

The daughter particles will be a duplicate of the mother split particle, but conveniently modifying the position and the mass (m0 and gamma_m).

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
isetIndex of the set of particles.
isplit0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise.
split_invpermPermutation to find the index of the particle in the list of particles to become split.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
m0Target mass, \( m_0 \).
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
mCurrent mass, \( m \).
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \frac{d \rho}{d t} \).
NNumber of particles.
nbufferNumber of available buffer particles.

◆ integrate()

__kernel void integrate ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r_in,
const __global vec u_0,
const __global vec dudt,
const __global float *  rho_0,
const __global float *  drhodt,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global float *  rho,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Integrate the system to the next time step, when the implicit subiterator already finished his job.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
r_inPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n} \).
u_0Velocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rho_0Density \( \rho_{n} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ lapp() [1/2]

__kernel void lapp ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global float *  p,
__global float *  lap_p,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Laplacian of the pressure computation.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
pPressure \( p \).
lap_pPressure laplacian \( \Delta p \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lapp() [2/2]

__kernel void lapp ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global float *  p,
const __global float *  h_var,
__global float *  lap_p,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Laplacian of the pressure computation.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
pPressure \( p \).
h_varvariable kernel lenght \( h \).
lap_pPressure laplacian \( \Delta p \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lapp_corr()

__kernel void lapp_corr ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m,
const __global vec lap_p_corr,
__global float *  lap_p,
const __global uint *  icell,
const __global uint *  ihoc,
uint  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Laplacian of the pressure correction.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho \).
mMass \( m \).
pPressure \( p \).
lap_p_corrCorrection term for the Morris Laplacian formula.
lap_pPressure laplacian \( \Delta p \).
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mls_inv()

__kernel void mls_inv ( const __global int *  imove,
__global matrix mls,
uint  N,
uint  mls_imove 

Invert the matrix computed in entry() to get the final MLS transformation matrix, \( L_i \).

Such transformation matrix can be multiplied by the kernel gradient to produce a new kernel gradient, \( \nabla W^{L}_{ij} = L_i \cdot \nabla W_{ij} \), such that the lienar fields differential operators are consistently computed.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
mlsKernel MLS transformation matrix \( L \).
NNumber of particles.
mls_imoveType of particles affected

◆ postcorrector()

__kernel void postcorrector ( const __global vec dudt_as1,
const __global float *  drhodt_as1,
const __global vec dudt_as2,
const __global float *  drhodt_as2,
const __global vec dudt_as3,
const __global float *  drhodt_as3,
const __global vec dudt,
const __global float *  drhodt,
__global vec dudt_as1_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as1_in,
__global vec dudt_as2_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as2_in,
__global vec dudt_as3_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as3_in,
__global vec dudt_as4_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as4_in,
unsigned int  N 

Backup de data for the sorting algorithm.

dudt_as1Velocity rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as1Density rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudt_as2Velocity rate of change of 2 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as2Density rate of change of 2 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudt_as3Velocity rate of change of 3 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as3Density rate of change of 3 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_as1_inVelocity rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as1_inDensity rate of change of previous step \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudt_as2_inVelocity rate of change of 2 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as2_inDensity rate of change of 2 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudt_as3_inVelocity rate of change of 3 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as3_inDensity rate of change of 3 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
dudt_as4_inVelocity rate of change of 4 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
drhodt_as4_inDensity rate of change of 4 steps ago \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n-1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.

◆ predictor() [1/3]

__kernel void predictor ( __global int *  imove,
__global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
__global vec r_in,
__global vec u_in,
__global vec dudt_in,
__global float *  rho_in,
__global float *  drhodt_in,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Improved Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1} \).
r_inPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1/2} \).
u_inVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_inVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rho_inDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodt_inDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ predictor() [2/3]

__kernel void predictor ( __global vec r,
__global vec u,
__global vec dudt,
__global float *  rho,
__global float *  drhodt,
__global vec r_in,
__global vec u_in,
__global vec dudt_in,
__global float *  rho_in,
__global float *  drhodt_in,
unsigned int  N 

Adams-Bashforth time integration scheme predictor stage.

1st order Euler time integration scheme predictor stage

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1} \).
uVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1} \).
rhoDensity \( \rho_{n+1} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1} \).
r_inPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n+1/2} \).
u_inVelocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_inVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rho_inDensity \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodt_inDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.

◆ predictor() [3/3]

__kernel void predictor ( const __global int *  imove,
const __global vec r,
const __global vec u_0,
const __global vec dudt,
const __global float *  rho_0,
const __global float *  drhodt,
__global vec r_in,
__global vec u_in,
__global vec dudt_in,
__global float *  rho_in,
__global float *  drhodt_in,
unsigned int  N,
float  dt 

Implicit Midpoint Euler time integration scheme predictor stage.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r}_{n} \).
u_0Velocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n} \).
dudtVelocity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rho_0Density \( \rho_{n} \).
drhodtDensity rate of change \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
r_inPosition backup \( \mathbf{r}_{n} \).
u_inMidpoint velocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n+1/2} \).
dudt_inVelocity rate of change backup \( \left. \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
rho_inMidpoint density \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
drhodt_inDensity rate of change backup \( \left. \frac{d \rho}{d t} \right\vert_{n+1/2} \).
NNumber of particles.
dtTime step \( \Delta t \).

◆ seed_candidates()

__kernel void seed_candidates ( __global const unsigned int *  iset,
__global const int *  imove,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const unsigned int *  level,
__global const float *  m0,
__global int *  miter,
__global const vec r,
__global unsigned int *  isplit,
__global ivec split_cell,
__global float *  split_dist,
__constant float *  dr_level0,
unsigned int  N 

Look for all the seed candidates, i.e. all the particles which have a refinement level target lower than their current value.

This tool is also placing the particles into cells with the volume of the partner particle to become generated

isetSet of particles index.
imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
levelTarget refinement level of the particle.
m0Mass \( m_0 \).
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds.
split_cellSeed cell where the particle is located.
split_distDistance to the center of the cell. Just the closest particle to the cell center will be kept as seed
dr_level0Theoretical distance between particles at the lowest refinement level.
NNumber of particles.

◆ seeds()

__kernel void seeds ( __global const unsigned int *  iset,
__global const unsigned int *  isplit_in,
__global unsigned int *  isplit,
__global int *  miter,
__global const ivec split_cell,
__global const float *  split_dist,
__global const uint *  icell,
__global const uint *  ihoc,
unsigned int  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Get only one seed per cell.

To do that, all the seed candidates will inspect their neighbours, and in case they find another seed candidate closer to the cell center, they are desisting to become a seed.

isetSet of particles index.
isplit_in0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds. This array is used to read.
isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds. This array is used to write.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
split_cellSeed cell where the particle is located.
split_distDistance to the center of the cell. Just the closest particle to the cell center will be kept as seed
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction

◆ set_imove()

__kernel void set_imove ( __global int *  imove,
uint  N 

Replace the particles with the imove flag imove=-256 by imove=-255.

The particles with imove=-256 are "invalid particles", i.e. particles which has been removed (e.g. particles out of the computational domain), while imove=-255 are buffer particles.

In that way, the removed particles in a time step are not taken into account as buffer particles until they are sorted at the next time step.

imoveMoving flags (imove = -255 for buffer particles).
ibuffer0 if the particle is not a buffer particle, 1 otherwise.
NNumber of particles.

◆ set_isplit_in()

__kernel void set_isplit_in ( __global const unsigned int *  isplit,
__global unsigned int *  isplit_in,
unsigned int  N 

Create a copy of isplit, where everything is 0 except the seeds, which take the value 1. Such array can be used to count the number of new particles to become generated.

Create a copy of isplit, where the data "out of bounds" is set to 0, instead of 2. Such array can be used to count the number of new particles to become generated.

Since isplit is used to sort the particles, it should have "n_radix" items, which is bigger than "N". But in order to conveniently sort isplit, you must ensure that the values "out of bounds" are bigger than the other ones (and therefore kept at the end of the list). in this case a value of 3 is selected.

isplit0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise
isplit_in0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise
NNumber of particles.

Since isplit is used to sort the particles, it should have "n_radix" items, which is bigger than "N". But in order to conveniently sort isplit, you must ensure that the values "out of bounds" are bigger than the other ones (and therefore kept at the end of the list). in this case a value of 2 is selected.

isplit0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise
isplit_in0 if the particle should not become split, 1 otherwise
NNumber of particles.

◆ set_mass()

__kernel void set_mass ( __global const int *  imove,
__global const float *  m0,
__global int *  miter,
__global float *  m,
unsigned int  N 

Set the mass of the particles according to their gamma value.

When a particle is split in a set of daughter particles, in order to avoid shocks, its effect is smoothly transfered to the daughters, using for that a \( \gamma_m \) mass multiplier.

imoveMoving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid/solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
m0Target mass, \( m_0 \). When a particle is split/coalesced, its mass is progressively transfered to its children.
miterMass transfer iteration (Positive for growing particles, negative for shrinking particles).
mCurrent mass \( m \).
NNumber of particles.

◆ simple()

__kernel void simple ( const __global unsigned int *  iset,
const __global int *  imove,
__global vec lap_p_corr,
__constant float *  refd,
unsigned int  N,
vec  g 

Simple hidrostatic based correction term.

isetSet of particles index.
imoveMoving flags.
  • imove = 2 for regular solid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors (ignored by this preset).
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
lap_p_corrCorrection term for the Morris Laplacian formula.
refdDensity of reference of the fluid \( \rho_0 \).
NNumber of particles.
gGravity acceleration \( \mathbf{g} \).

◆ sort() [1/2]

__kernel void sort ( const __global float *  rho_0_in,
__global float *  rho_0,
const __global vec u_0_in,
__global vec u_0,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Implicit Midpoint Euler time integration scheme variables sorting.

u_0Sorted velocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n} \).
rho_0Sorted density \( \rho_{n} \).
u_0_inUnsorted velocity \( \mathbf{u}_{n} \).
rho_0_inUnsorted density \( \rho_{n+1/2} \).
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ sort() [2/2]

__kernel void sort ( const __global vec dudt_as1_in,
__global vec dudt_as1,
const __global vec dudt_as2_in,
__global vec dudt_as2,
const __global vec dudt_as3_in,
__global vec dudt_as3,
const __global vec dudt_as4_in,
__global vec dudt_as4,
const __global float *  drhodt_as1_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as1,
const __global float *  drhodt_as2_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as2,
const __global float *  drhodt_as3_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as3,
const __global float *  drhodt_as4_in,
__global float *  drhodt_as4,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Sort the stored Adams-Bashforth stored variation rates.

id_inUnsorted particle indexes
idSorted particle indexes
iset_inUnsorted set of particles indexes.
isetSorted set of particles indexes.
imove_inUnsorted moving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
imoveSorted moving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
r_inUnsorted position \( \mathbf{r} \).
rSorted position \( \mathbf{r} \).
normal_inUnsorted normal \( \mathbf{n} \).
normalSorted normal \( \mathbf{n} \).
u_inUnsorted velocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
uSorted velocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ stage1()

__kernel void stage1 ( const __global uint *  id_in,
__global uint *  id,
const __global uint *  iset_in,
__global uint *  iset,
const __global int *  imove_in,
__global int *  imove,
const __global vec r_in,
__global vec r,
const __global vec normal_in,
__global vec normal,
const __global vec tangent_in,
__global vec tangent,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.

Due to the large number of registers consumed (21 global memory arrays are loaded), it is safer carrying out the sorting process in to stages. This is the first stage.

id_inUnsorted particle indexes
idSorted particle indexes
iset_inUnsorted set of particles indexes.
isetSorted set of particles indexes.
imove_inUnsorted moving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
imoveSorted moving flags.
  • imove > 0 for regular fluid particles.
  • imove = 0 for sensors.
  • imove < 0 for boundary elements/particles.
r_inUnsorted position \( \mathbf{r} \).
rSorted position \( \mathbf{r} \).
normal_inUnsorted normal \( \mathbf{n} \).
normalSorted normal \( \mathbf{n} \).
tangent_inUnsorted tangent \( \mathbf{t} \).
tangentSorted tangent \( \mathbf{t} \).
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ stage2()

__kernel void stage2 ( const __global float *  rho_in,
__global float *  rho,
const __global float *  m_in,
__global float *  m,
const __global vec u_in,
__global vec u,
const __global vec dudt,
__global vec dudt_in,
const __global float *  drhodt,
__global float *  drhodt_in,
const __global unit id_sorted,
unsigned int  N 

Sort all the particle variables by the cell indexes.

Due to the large number of registers consumed (21 global memory arrays are loaded), it is safer carrying out the sorting process in to stages. This is the first stage.

rho_inUnsorted density \( \rho \).
rhoSorted density \( \rho \).
m_inUnsorted mass \( m \).
mSorted mass \( m \).
u_inUnsorted velocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
uSorted velocity \( \mathbf{u} \).
dudtUnsorted velocity rate of change \( \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \).
dudt_inSorted velocity rate of change \( \frac{d \mathbf{u}}{d t} \).
drhodtUnsorted density rate of change \( \frac{d \rho}{d t} \).
drhodt_inSorted density rate of change \( \frac{d \rho}{d t} \).
id_sortedPermutations list from the unsorted space to the sorted one.
NNumber of particles.

◆ weights()

__kernel void weights ( __global const unsigned int *  iset,
__global const unsigned int *  ilevel,
__global const vec r,
__global const unsigned int *  isplit,
__global float *  split_weight,
__global const uint *  icell,
__global const uint *  ihoc,
__constant float *  dr_level0,
unsigned int  N,
uivec4  n_cells 

Compute the contribution weight of each children particle.

The children particles (including the seed itself) may be close enough to several partner particles, such that, at the time of computing the partner particles properties, it is eventually contributing to several partners. Hence, the contributions should be conveniently weighted

See also
isetSet of particles index.
ilevelCurrent refinement level of the particle.
rPosition \( \mathbf{r} \).
isplit0 if the particle should not become coalesced, 1 for the coalescing particles, 2 for the seeds.
split_weightCoalescing contribution weight.
icellCell where each particle is located.
ihocHead of chain for each cell (first particle found).
dr_level0Theoretical distance between particles at the lowest refinement level.
NNumber of particles.
n_cellsNumber of cells in each direction