Naval Architect. EngD.
Naval Architecture Professor ETSIN.
Tlf. +34913367154
Naval Architect. EngD.
Linear Algebra lecturer ETSIN.
Field: Small craft and seakeeping.
Tlf. +34913367155
Administrative staff
Tlf. +34913367206
Naval Architect. EngD.
Associate Professor.
Field: SPH, sloshing flows.
Tlf. +34913367156
Industrial Engineer.(UPCO)
Physicist (UAM)
Applied mathematics lecturer
Field: viscous CFD.
Tlf. +34913367189
Electronics Systems technician.
Tlf. +34913367155
Naval Architect. EngD.
Laboratory responsible ETSIN.
Field: anti-roll tanks and experimental techniques in Hydrodynamics.
Tlf. +34913367154
Naval Architect. EngD.
Drawing lecturer ETSIN.
Field: seakeeping.
Tlf. +34913367204
Mathematics, Phd
Assistant Professor
Tlf. +34913367175
Naval Architect (UPM).
PhD student.
Tlf. +34913367156
Naval Architect (UPM).
PhD student.
Field: SPH + GPUs and OPEN-FOAM.
Tlf. +34913367156
Mechanical Engineer.
PhD student.
Field: Mechanical design.
Tlf. +34913367156
Mechanical Engineer.
PhD student.
Field: CFD
Tlf. +34913367156
This is the complete list of all the students who have participated in the activities of this lab.