
From AQUAgpusph
Revision as of 16:42, 18 March 2015 by Jlcercos (Talk | contribs)

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Since version 2.0, AQUAgpusph is designed like a sandbox, such that the tools that will be used to perform the simulation can be selected "on the fly". Anyway, in order to do more accessible the code some Presets are provided "out of the box", which are defining Variables, Definitions and Tools to carry out specific actions.

Defining new tools

In order to define new tools an specific section should be opened in the simulation definition XML input files (take a look on the examples to learn more about this):

    <!-- ... -->

The new tools will be defined between the new "Tools" opened section. Each tool is defined as follows:

<Tool action="ACTION" name="NAME" type="TYPE">

Where ACTION, NAME and TYPE should be conveniently set. Depending on the selected "action" and "type" some other specific attributes will be required.