AQUAgpusph 4.1.2
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NAquaMain AQUAgpusph namespace
 NCalcServerCalculation server name space
 NReportsRuntime outputs name space
 CPerformanceOn screen performance output
 CReportRuntime outputs base class
 CScreenOn screen runtime output
 CSetTabFileParticles set runtime output
 CTabFileRuntime output file
 CAssertCheck that a condition holds true, or trhow a fatal error otherwise
 CCalcServerException raised when the user manually interrupts the simulation
 CclientDataData structure to store the variables requested and a flag to know if the entry point has been found
 CConditionalBase class for conditional tools like While or If
 CCopyCopy an array component by component
 CEndClose the scope open by a previous conditional tool, like While or If
 CIfExecute all the tools in its scope if the condition is fulfilled
 CKernelA tool consisting in an OpenCL kernel execution. The variables used in the OpenCL kernel are automatically detected
 CLinkListComplex tool to perform the link-list based on the "pos" array. This tool include the following steps:
 CMPISyncSynchronize arrays between processes
 CExchangerInterprocess array synchronization base class
 CMPITypeData structure to store the type information required by MPI
 CReceiverSynchronize arrays between processes
 CSenderSynchronize arrays between processes
 CPythonExecute a Python script
 CRadixSortMethods to perform a radix sort using the GPU (or any device supported by OpenCL). The code has 3 steps:
 CReductionReductions, like scans, prefix sums, maximum or minimum, etc..
 CSetSet all the components of an array with the desired value
 CSetScalarSet a scalar variable
 CToolTools base class. The way that AQUAgpusph compute each problem is set through a set of tools that are computed sequentially. Several tools can be considered, for instance:
 CUnSortRecover the original id of each particle
 CWhileExecute all the tools in its scope until the condition becomes unfulfilled
 NInputOutputInput/Output data interfaces
 CASCIIPlain text particles data files loader/saver
 CFastASCIIPlain text particles data files loader/saver
 CFileManagerInput/Output files manager. This class acts as a base class, controlling the subclasses which will load/save the files
 CFloatVariableA float variable
 CInputOutputBase class for input/output file managers
 CIntVariableAn integer variable
 CIVec2VariableA ivec2 variable
 CIVec3VariableA ivec3 variable
 CIVec4VariableA ivec4 variable
 CLoggerOn screen and log file output manager
 CParticlesParticles file loader/saver base class
 CProblemSetupSimulation configuration data
 CsphDefinitionsOpenCL kernels compilation definitions
 CsphParticlesSetParticles set data
 CsphSettingsGeneral program settings
 CdeviceGeneral program settings
 CsphTimingParametersSimulation time flow options
 CsphToolTool to be executed
 CsphVariablesSimulation variables registered
 CReportBase class for all the report file managers
 CScalarVariableA generic Scalar variable
 CScalarVecVariableA generic Scalar variable, of 2 or more components
 CStateLoad/Save the XML simulation definition files
 CTimeManagerSimulation time flow manager
 CUIntVariableAn integer variable
 CUIVec2VariableA uivec2 variable
 CUIVec4VariableA uivec4 variable
 CVariableA generic variable. Almost useless, use the overloaded classes instead of this one
 CVariablesVariables manager, which can interpret the types on the fly
 CVec2VariableA vec2 variable
 CVec3VariableA vec3 variable
 CVec4VariableA vec4 variable
 CVTKVTK particles data files loader/saver
 CSingletonSimple but versatile singleton instance (Meyers singleton)
 CTokenizerTool to evaluate math expressions
 CmatMatrix of real components